Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument - 2008 . . .
during our travels in the Pacific Northwest

Updated: 11/30/08



We have posted several of the views of Mount St. Helens we saw as we drove the 52 miles towards it. Only at the Johnston Ridge Observatory can you see into the crater - and, then only partially 



Along the way we also saw more tree trimmers, a little color change and mini waterfalls. 


a f0912wa msh_114 tree trimer_1.JPG (74461 bytes)      a f0912wa msh_142 road waterfall_1.JPG (81610 bytes)



This bridge was at the edge of the blast zone. 


a f0912wa msh_146 bridge_1.JPG (72167 bytes)      a f0912wa msh_158 bridge 2nd_1.JPG (52040 bytes)




a f0912wa msh_157 lv blast zone_1.JPG (46828 bytes)The information boards at the the bridge provided good insight into both the bridge, the Mount St. Helens eruption and the recovery.









a f0912wa msh_171 forest lern ctr_1.JPG (70035 bytes)The Forest Learning Center overlook provided a look into a valley. The volunteer interpreter had the spotting scopes trained on elk at two places in the valley. To help control erosion following the eruption, 10,000 pounds of grass and rye seed were spread over this area. The elk moved down from the high country and established a presence here due to the availability of food and water.

The learning center is operated by Weyerhaeuser. We did not go inside to explore the exhibits. I suspect they would have been interesting but our main interest this day was the volcano.


   a f0912wa msh_193 mtr w river_1.JPG (30600 bytes)   a f0912wa msh_183 valley rivr_1.JPG (63106 bytes)   a f0912wa msh_204 river valley_1.JPG (47439 bytes)   a f0912wa msh_164 river1_1.JPG (34997 bytes)

Yes, that is Mount St. Helen in the left photograph.  


a f0912wa msh_174 green road_1.JPG (47174 bytes)  a f0912wa msh_177 valley_1.JPG (64311 bytes)   a a f0912wa msh_500_1 hill.JPG (49904 bytes)



Fred could not find the elk with the camera so settled for the 'fake' one. While the river was a long distance away, you could hear it roar.


a f0912wa msh_186 river close_1.JPG (52697 bytes)   a f0912wa msh_178 moose scupt_1.JPG (102018 bytes)



The fact that an overlook was closed for repair did not bother us or several others.


a f0912wa msh_218 closed view_1.JPG (33280 bytes)      a f0912wa msh_243 spirit lake_1.JPG (38382 bytes)




The Castle Lake pull-out gave us our first views of the crater.









The area within the Blast Zone is being allowed to recover naturally. Scientist are studying the re-growth process. 


a f0912wa msh_264 road new trees_1.JPG (60486 bytes)   a f0912wa msh_269 natural regrowth_1.JPG (62301 bytes)   a f0912wa msh_275 road1_1.JPG (53163 bytes)


a f0912wa msh_282 road3_1.JPG (36299 bytes)   a f0912wa msh_279 road2_1.JPG (67857 bytes)




a f0912wa msh_387 msh7_1.JPG (32877 bytes)At the Johnston Ridge Observatory the walkway led to a look into the crater.

The terrain on Johnston Ridge showed the trauma from the volcanic event. Tree trunks were everywhere.


   a f0912wa msh_525 wrist band_1.JPG (33196 bytes)This was the only place a fee was charged. If you had a Federal Pass, you got this pretty pink wristband. People who paid the entrance fee of  $6 got green wristbands.






 a f0912wa msh_283 dead tree_1.JPG (71444 bytes)  










The exhibits in the building provided a lot of information.


a a f0912wa msh_420_1 inside.JPG (40688 bytes)   a a f0912wa msh_400_1 display.JPG (41036 bytes)



One display explained events during the eruption including the various lava flows and mud slides using a multitude of tiny colored bulbs. When all the lights were lit at the end of the audio dialog, the number of lights and colors was very impressive. 





The video presentation brought back memories of a video presentation at Portage Glacier during our Alaskan trip. We knew that behind the red curtain and the dropdown screen was a view of Mount St. Helens. The 16 minute video presentation re-creates the eruption.


a f0912wa msh_350 theat drape_1.JPG (33107 bytes)   a a f0912wa msh_357_1 screen.JPG (33446 bytes)    a f0912wa msh_360 theat window_1.JPG (32394 bytes)   a f0912wa msh_362 theat win pane_1.JPG (39066 bytes)



On May 18, 1980 at 8:32a.m., a massive explosion blew the top 1,313 feet and much of the bulging north face of Mount St. Helen away. It shot of dense plume of smoke and ash 80,000 feet into the air and released a mile-wide avalanche.



Another display . . .   










a a f0912wa msh_415_1 survivors.JPG (57456 bytes)a a f0912wa msh_417_1 survivors.JPG (52399 bytes)a a f0912wa msh_416_1 survivors.JPG (58786 bytes)One exhibit told the stories of many of the survivors that were in the area at the time of the eruption.

No all survived. A man and his motorhome have never been found.









a f0912wa msh_404 sizmolog_1.JPG (33420 bytes)Three seismographs are positioned on Mount St. Helen to monitor it continuously.

    This one didn't make it.  a f0912wa msh_328 test equip_1.JPG (43152 bytes)      a a f0912wa msh_330 spider_1.jpg (66736 bytes)




Visitors could measure their own 'earthquake' by jumping on the panel in the floor in front of a seismograph.


a f0912wa msh_407 vis siz people_1.JPG (48610 bytes)   a f0912wa msh_410 vis sizm_1.JPG (38416 bytes)



Back outside to Mount St. Helens . . .




1986 to 2994 - Snow and ice accumulated in the crater forming North America's youngest glacier.

October 2004 - Eruptive activity resumed with more than 1000 small earthquakes per day and small steam and ash eruptions. A new lava dome rose thought the Crater Glacier at a rate of one dump truck load per second.

2004 to 2008 - The quiet extrusion of mostly gas-free, semi-solid lava continued until February, 2008. During the 3-year long eruption, a total of seven lava spines were extruded, filling the south crater with a 1,300 foot tall pile of fragmented rock - taller than the Empire State Building and 2/3 mile by 1/3 mile wide.










                                                            Spirit Lake




Helicopter tours were available.

a f0912wa msh_447 helecopter2_1.JPG (63558 bytes)   a f0912wa msh_384 helecopter_1.JPG (30916 bytes)



It was time to head home. 


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a f0912wa msh_509 parasail_1.JPG (27010 bytes)      




Just before we got back to I-5, we stopped at a visitor center we passed on the way to Mount St. Helens. It was only ten minutes before closing time -  not much time to look around. Plus, it was Friday and the staff wanted to go home on time.


a f0912wa msh_529 vis ctr1_1.JPG (64883 bytes)      a f0912wa msh_533 vis ctr3_1.JPG (28493 bytes)


a f0912wa msh_534 vis ctr4_1.JPG (53929 bytes)      a f0912wa msh_538 vis ctr6_1.JPG (28865 bytes)



Mount St. Helens was a very interesting place to visit. A place we remember from the newscasts. We made our visit in a day. More time could have been spent at each of the visitor centers. 



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