Hells Canyon and Hells Canyon Dam - 2008 . . .
on our route to the Pacific Northwest

Updated: 11/30/08



a f0826hc_105 rt1_1.JPG (32515 bytes)Like our other rides in this part of the country, the ride to Hells Canyon was beautiful.







The Hole-in-the-Wall Landslide was on our route. This turnout overlooks a 1984 landslide that covered the road and temporarily dammed the Powder River. 

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The other side . . .          

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Flowing water, animals grazing and mountains, how tranquil !





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We believe this over-head trough carried water for irrigation.




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a f0826hc_167 rt ra pole_1.JPG (48235 bytes)a f0826hc_168 rt ra pole top_1.JPG (31096 bytes)The location of this information pole and board also offered us a look at a deer. This rest area was placed here to marked the route of the Tim Goodall Wagon Train route of 1862.


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As we drove away, Mary Lou saw the deer go into this metal silo.

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It was hard not to know you were in Hells Canyon.


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The North Pine Rest Area was a welcome sight.







Hells Canyon is the deepest river-carved gorge in North America -- almost 8,000 feet at its deepest.








a f0826hc_220 ol chipmunk_1.JPG (75023 bytes)We decided to have lunch at the Hells Canyon Overlook. Going to the truck to get our lunch supplies, this chipmunk stood on the sidewalk almost motionless for the longest time. Only when we were within six feet of him did he run. 









A spectacular place . . .






The road was windy and in need of some bush trimming.

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Fiber optic cable was being laid along Route 86 just west of Copperfield. The same kind of operation we saw in Alaska.  


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Near Copperfield was another power station and the Oxbow Dam, one of three on the Snake River in the Hells Canyon area.


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a f0826hc_296 c3_1.JPG (73229 bytes)a f0826hc_298 c 4 sign_1.jpg (61142 bytes)The 22 mile ride along the Snake River to the Hells Canyon Dam got better as we drove - more rugged, more picturesque. Many places along the river were used for recreational purposes - camping, boating and fishing.

The Snake River is the border between Oregon and Idaho.




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Our first glimpse of the dam . . .


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  a f0826hc_407 dam14_1.jpg (64418 bytes)              a f0826hc_410 dam15s_1.jpg (46475 bytes)



   a f0826hc_371 dam2_1.JPG (60917 bytes)   a f0826hc_375 dam3_1.JPG (64639 bytes)   



On the dam . . .


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Below the dam . . . 


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  a f0826hc_404 dam13_1.JPG (64192 bytes)        a f0826hc_433 dam24_1.JPG (58517 bytes)


This is a REAL flight of stairs - all the way up to the dam's roadway. This guy used them to walk down to the river. It will be a little harder going up.


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   The ride home . . .



a f0826hc_464 rh2_1.jpg (41426 bytes)Maybe so the locals knew where they were, all along the road signs like these identified streams and creeks on the other side of the river.  The ones on our side of the river were signed as well, but that was expected. 





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This is what is left of Big Bar.


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a f0826hc_514 rh16_1.JPG (47947 bytes)We drove through Halfway. It earned it's name as the midway point between the town of Pine and the gold mines of Cornucopia. The town changed its name to "half.com" in 2001 -- part of a Internet company's publicity stunt. We thought the sign was pretty.





We spent a long day in the truck but the sights were worth it. 



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