Pennsylvania - 2003

Updated: 11/30/08

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Crayola Factory ( Easton, PA)

National Canal Museum (Easton, PA)

Pocono Mountains



Crayola Factory ( Easton, PA)


The Crayola Factory is on the second floor of the Two Rivers Landing building. A combined admission of $9 per person includes admission to the National Canal Museum.. 


pa cf factory.jpg (40017 bytes)It includes a demonstration of crayon and marker manufacturing. The crayon process was on a small scale - from molten wax into the molds, to the wrapping and packaging. The marker process injected 3.5 grams of ink into each cartridge. (Useful hint: if your marker dries out, dip the tip into warm water for 15 seconds, replace cap and let it sit for a while. You can repeat this one time.)


The company claims each child will uses 730 crayons by 10 years of age.

pa cf 10 years.jpg (38074 bytes)


This counter shows the total production of Crayola crayons.


pa cf counter.jpg (20262 bytes)



pa cf activities.jpg (39647 bytes)This would be a fantastic place to take children. They have several activity areas for children of all ages. We were there an hour and a half. You would have to allow more time for children to do the activities.




pa cf store.jpg (61697 bytes)The Crayola Factory is a neat place. But, if you want to see and/or purchase every imaginable Crayola product available, they have a store downstairs.





National Canal Museum (Easton, PA)

Located on the third floor of the Two Rivers Landing building is the National Canal Museum. Admission is combined with the Crayola factory. The displays were interesting and informative showing the history and technology of America's 19th century canals and inland waterways.


This photograph shows a working team.

pa canal pic.jpg (34532 bytes)



This electronic map showed more canals than we thought existed.

pa canal map.jpg (42597 bytes)


We did not spend a lot of time here, maybe 45 minutes. 



Pocono Mountains


The Pocono Mounts were different than we expected - more built-up and residential.


One spot where we obtained a good view was difficult to locate. We found it listed in the AAA Tour Book - a scenic lookout at Pocono Knob in Mount Pocono, PA - watch for the small signs. 


pa pm view l.jpg (46922 bytes)            pa pm view 2.jpg (44038 bytes)


pa pm ski trails.jpg (20911 bytes)            pa pm resort.jpg (51398 bytes)



Raymondskill Falls

The Top Falls                         The Middle Falls

pa pm falls top.jpg (46539 bytes)            pa pm falls mid.jpg (59224 bytes)

We did not take the trail to the lower falls.



pa pm deer.jpg (56022 bytes)This deer was rather brave. He stopped as we approached. He gave us time to turn on the digital camera, for the camera to boot up and for us to take this photograph before running off.




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New England - Fall 2003