New Hampshire -2003


Updated: 11/30/08

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Our visit to New Hampshire was two-fold. We had not camped there yet and the White Mountains were an attraction.


Our day in the White Mountains was a little wet - not too wet to stop us from enjoying them. The worst rain occurred as we drove. This gave us time to walk a little at scenic spots. The color was starting to appear and added to the beauty.


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wmnh snow.jpg (22973 bytes)We saw snow on one peak. By the time we found a place to turn around clouds were covering most of it.





wmnh falls.jpg (49027 bytes)While driving down the road we came upon vehicles parked along the road and people with cameras walking around. Of course, we stopped. This waterfalls is named, Silver Cascade.





wmnh m head.jpg (70754 bytes)Along another road we came upon more vehicles and people along the road - a lot of people. Of course, we stopped again. This time it was a moose stuck in the mud. It was trying to extricate itself and getting exhausted each time.

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When we arrived at the next town, we reported the situation to a local policeman. Our report was a little different than an earlier report so the officer was going to go back inside the station and talk to his dispatcher again before her headed for the moose.



wm Old Man Gone.jpg (11211 bytes)The Old Man of the Mountain did not wait for us. On  May 3, 2003, he fell off the mountain. After 12,000 years of looking over Profile Lake, the "Great Stone Face" was gone. 




There was so much to see, we did not get back to camp until after dark. It was a great day.


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New England - Fall 2003