Old Orchard Beach, Maine - 2018


Updated: 05/03/19


Having read this area was one of the oldest seashore resorts in Maine, we wanted to check it out. There is a seven mile strip of white sand, with low surf making it a popular place for swimming. There is an amusement park and several arcades in town. Almost all were closed for the winter season when we were there in September.


One restaurant just inside the entrance to the pier was open.
The rest of the pier was gated off for the off-season.










The fountain will probably be shut down soon.



All the amusement rides and arcade type attractions were closed.






As it was the off-season, about the only thing on the beach was one man and one sea-gull. 


It was nice to look around, not an area that we would enjoy during the summer - too many people.


Away from the downtown area, Old Orchard Beach has residential properties and businesses open and still alive and well early in the off-season.

Several streets/roads lead to the water . . . our truck automatically turns towards water.















In this area, you would expect to find nautical themed decorations.








You better have a fork lift to move these items.








A house coming or going . . . maybe, just moving up.




A Ford 'woody'.




Bike rental . . .     







We found a nice park to sit in the truck, enjoy a coke and take in the view.




This guy pulled into the parking lot, put his wader on, got his fishing gear from the car and went fishing. His license plate indicates he does it regularly.








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